
To enrich user interaction we use Webview, which is responsible for picking up or displaying information more efficiently during the conversation flow. The idea here is for the user to have the experience of being in a conversation with the bot and at the same time using features of a web or mobile application.

The Webview can be triggered during the conversation flow only through the button of a card-type message.

We are currently providing 3 types of Webviews: Form Fields, Advanced, and External URLs.

Forms Fields

Here we have the option to present a form with fields of the User object to be filled. All behavior is controlled by the CosmoBots platform.

The Webview Height defines which percentage of the screen will be occupied by Webview. It is interesting to use a height that does not cover 100% of the screen, so the user will realize that he is still in chatbot.

Here is an example of how this Webview looks to the user:

Upon completion of Webview all form data will be saved to the CosmoBots database.


This type of Webview has more features. And it relies on different layouts to present information to the user.

Layouts need to be populated and placed in the variable called webview. The following are the attributes available for all layouts:

And now we go to the details of each layout, containing examples of use:

List and Select Item

Here are the additional attributes for this type of layout:

Here's an example of how to fill out this layout:

webview = [{
   id: 'escolhe_item',
   type: 'select',
   header: 'Item',
   data: itens,
   selected: itens,
   response: 'itens',
   fields: {
      title: 'nome_produto',
      subtitle: 'descricao_produto',
   options: {
      show_limit_select: false,
      min_select: 1,
      max_select: 1,
   buttons: [{
      label: 'Voltar',
      next_id: 'total',
      go_back: true,
      label: 'Confirmar',
      required: true

List and Select Item Quantity

Here are the additional attributes for this type of layout:

Here's an example of how to fill out this layout:

webview = [{
   type: 'select_product_quantity',
   header: cabecalho,
   data: lista_produtos,
   selected: context['itens_pedido'] | [],
   response: 'itens_pedido',
   fields: {
      title: 'nome',
      subtitle: 'descricao',
      image_url: 'url_da_imagem',
      quantity: 'quantidade',
      price: 'valor',
      currency: 'BRL',
   options: {
      show_limit_select: false,
      min_select: 1,
      max_select: 2,
      show_limit_quantity: false,
      min_item_quantity: 1,
      max_item_quantity: 5,
   buttons: [{
      label: 'Confirmar',
      required: true

List and Select Adress

Here are the additional attributes for this type of layout:

Here's an example of how to fill out this layout:

webview = [{
   id: 'escolhe_endereco',
   type: 'select_address',
   header: '2. Escolhe Endereço',
   data: enderecos,
   selected: context ? context['endereco'] : [],
   response: 'endereco',
   fields: {
      street: 'rua',
      number: 'numero',
      complement: 'complemento',
      neighborhood: 'bairro',
      city: 'cidade',
      state: 'estado',
      zipcode: 'cep',
   options: {
      show_limit_select: false,
      min_select: 1,
      max_select: 1,
   buttons: [{
      label: 'Voltar',
      next_id: 'itens_pedido',
      go_back: true
      label: 'Novo Endereço',
      next_id: 'novo_endereco'
      label: 'Próximo',
      next_id: 'total',
      required: true

List of Orders

Here are the additional attributes for this type of layout:

Here's an example of how to fill out this layout:

webview = [{
   type: 'list_orders',
   header: 'Meus Pedidos',
   data: pedido__s,
   fields: {
      order_number: 'codigo',
      status: 'status',
      confirmation_date: 'data_confirmacao',
      payment_method: 'forma_de_pagamento',
      subtotal: 'valor_subtotal',
      freight: 'valor_frete',
      total: 'valor_total',
      currency: 'BRL'
   buttons: [{
      label: 'Ok',


Here are the additional attributes for this type of layout:

Here's an example of how to fill out this layout:

webview = [{
   id: 'total',
   type: 'show_total',
   response: 'total',
   header: '3. Total',
   fields: {
      freight: 15,
      price: 'valor',
      quantity: 'quantidade',
      currency: 'BRL',
   buttons: [{
      label: 'Voltar',
      next_id: 'escolhe_endereco',
      go_back: true
      label: 'Próximo',
      next_id: 'escolhe_pagamento',

New Record

Here are the additional attributes for this type of layout:

Here's an example of how to fill out this layout:

webview = [{
   id: 'novo_endereco',
   type: 'new_record',
   object: 'endereco',
   header: 'Novo Endereço',
   response: 'endereco',
   fields: {
      street: 'rua',
      number: 'numero',
      complement: 'complemento',
      neighborhood: 'bairro',
      city: 'cidade',
      state: 'estado',
      zipcode: 'cep',
   buttons: [{
      label: 'Voltar',
      next_id: 'escolhe_endereco',
      go_back: true
      label: 'Próximo',
      next_id: 'total',
      save_record: true,
      required: true

Layouts Set

And finally, we have the option of defining a Layout Set. It would be like a step by step that the user needs to follow to complete the Webview. To do this simply add each layout inside the webview variable to the order that you want them to appear to the user.

Here is an example where the scenario here would be to finalize a purchase:

webview = [{
   id: 'itens_pedido',
   type: 'select_product_quantity',
   header: '1. Itens do Pedido',
   data: context['itens_pedido'] | [],
   selected: context['itens_pedido'] | [],
   response: 'itens_pedido',
   fields: {
      title: 'nome',
      subtitle: 'descricao',
      image_url: 'url_da_imagem',
      quantity: 'quantidade',
      price: 'valor',
      currency: 'BRL',
   options: {
      show_limit_select: false,
      min_select: 1,
      max_select: 10,
      show_limit_quantity: false,
      min_item_quantity: 0,
      max_item_quantity: 5,
   buttons: [{
      label: 'Próximo',
      next_id: 'escolhe_endereco',
      required: true
   id: 'escolhe_endereco',
   type: 'select_address',
   header: '2. Escolhe Endereço',
   data: enderecos,
   selected: context['endereco'] | [],
   response: 'endereco',
   fields: {
      street: 'rua',
      number: 'numero',
      complement: 'complemento',
      neighborhood: 'bairro',
      city: 'cidade',
      state: 'estado',
      zipcode: 'cep',
   options: {
      show_limit_select: false,
      min_select: 1,
      max_select: 1,
   buttons: [{
      label: 'Voltar',
      next_id: 'itens_pedido',
      go_back: true
      label: 'Novo Endereço',
      next_id: 'novo_endereco'
      label: 'Próximo',
      next_id: 'total',
      required: true
   id: 'novo_endereco',
   type: 'new_record',
   object: 'endereco',
   header: '2. Novo Endereço',
   response: 'endereco',
   fields: {
      street: 'rua',
      number: 'numero',
      complement: 'complemento',
      neighborhood: 'bairro',
      city: 'cidade',
      state: 'estado',
      zipcode: 'cep',
   options: {
   buttons: [{
      label: 'Voltar',
      next_id: 'escolhe_endereco',
      go_back: true
      label: 'Próximo',
      next_id: 'total',
      save_record: true,
      required: true
   id: 'total',
   type: 'show_total',
   response: 'total',
   header: '3. Total',
   fields: {
      freight: 15,
      price: 'valor',
      quantity: 'quantidade',
      currency: 'BRL',
   buttons: [{
      label: 'Voltar',
      next_id: 'escolhe_endereco',
      go_back: true
      label: 'Próximo',
      next_id: 'escolhe_pagamento',
   id: 'escolhe_pagamento',
   type: 'select',
   header: '4. Pagamento',
   data: forma_de_pagamentos,
   selected: context['pagamento'] | [],
   response: 'pagamento',
   fields: {
      title: 'label',
   options: {
      show_limit_select: false,
      min_select: 1,
      max_select: 1,
   buttons: [{
      label: 'Voltar',
      next_id: 'total',
      go_back: true,
      label: 'Confirmar',
      required: true

External URL

There is also the option of having Webview originated in some external URL to CosmoBots. So the control would not be on the CosmoBots platform but could use a step following it to, for example, call an API to query or update information from the context of the conversation.

Last updated